Welding Supplies Blog

Water & Welding: What the Heck Is Hydroforming?
Think of the ultimate example of power, strength and unmoving force. What comes to mind? Maybe a bulldozer with rocket jets? Or a rhinoceros that can shoot lasers out of its eyes? What about… water...

Striking an arc in The Sub-Zero Arctic
24 hours of Darkness. It’s what they call a "Polar Night." The only UV light you’ve seen in the last day has been from your welding arc. From a survivability standpoint, humans have almost no busin...

Pro Guide: Portable Shop Setups
In a previous month, we covered portability while welding out in the field. However, there are many of you that weld in a workshop or your garage. This doesn’t mean portability isn’t important to y...

Why You Should “shake The House” This Spring
“Shake the house”—that was the original term for “spring cleaning” over 3,000 years ago. As the first spring cleaners, the ancient Persians believed that clearing out their houses after winter prev...

Breaking Down The Top-paying Welding Jobs
Welding might be one of the world’s greatest passions, but it doesn’t hurt to get paid for your skills. A capable welder can be incredibly sought after, and some jobs can pay quite an astonishing a...

Welding A City On The Sea
The day was perfect, with only a calm breeze. As the behemoth of a ship was cast off, its dual gun decks were an astonishing sight. Every inch of the ship was finely decorated in honor of the king,...

Have You Seen Real Garage With Andy?
Welding in TV shows and movies always leaves a weird taste in our mouths. Some guy flips his hood down and presto, he’s built a 747 in an afternoon. Even many of the popular home or auto DIY shows ...

Do You Always Weld Instead Of Braze?
It was 1960 and the US/Soviet arms race had become a full-blown marathon. Just off the east coast, the USS Barbel cut through the waves on its way to a training exercise. The sub’s massive 219’ hul...

Miller Vs. Lincoln: Where Did It Begin?
September 2021
Like Lincoln, Miller welders are made in various parts of the world, but as U.S.-based companies with a long history, the rivalry between these welding machines is especially heated ...

Welding In The Void: Saturation Diving
Darkness. An engulfing, black void like you’ve never experienced before. Beyond your small headlight, the world is simply gone: No shapes, no faint colors, just emptiness. Everything feels so empty...

How Will Metal 3d Printing Affect Welding?
It’s both magic and unsettling at the same time to watch a 3D printer at work. Its movements are cold, calculated and unnatural. Where a person would approach a project from multiple angles, the pr...

Welding In The Navy
Everyone has a different reason for enlisting. For some, it’s always been their plan. For others, it seems like their chance to see the world. For others, it’s an opportunity to learn skills that’l...

How And Why Do The Amish Weld?
For the amish community, the main idea is simplicity: removing distractions and focusing on the parts of life that the modern world tends to forget. That means cars, televisions, radios and the int...

Welding Has Always Been Essential: Apollo Rockets
Human flesh and an inferno of over 5000 degrees, separated only by a few inches. For a thousand seconds, the Apollo astronauts would wait with bated breath as their ship re-entered back into the at...

Welding An Apocalypse Bunker
Every time mankind is thrown a curveball, our reaction is to go underground. From tornados to nuclear bombs, shelters have been a key survival tactic. But even more interesting is how much of a pro...

Do You Need To Go To College To Weld?
A recent study from Georgetown found that next year, almost 2/3rds of jobs will require some type of college or other formal education beyond high school. What exactly does this mean for the weldin...

The Most Popular Welding Memes
Within any community you’ll find a sense of pride, loyalty and a clinically-insane amount of memes. This has never been truer than within the world of welding. In case you’ve somehow avoided being ...

The Internet’s Most Famous Welders
When the web was first being populated by an unwavering multitude of cat videos, a few welders managed to claw their way out of obscurity and become something of internet celebrities. Specifically,...

Best (and Worst) Places To Be A Welder
Often where you weld can be just as important as how well you weld. Your location determines how much work is available near you and how much competition there is. For instance, you’ll make a whole...

Will Rubber Sole Boots Keep You From Being Shocked?
We’ve all been told if there’s any risk of electrical shock, make sure you’ve got some solid rubber boots. But would rubber boots really keep you from being zap-fried by an electrical jolt? What’s ...

How To Be A Pipeline Welder
We’ve covered everything from space welders to working on oil rigs and yet we’ve never hit on one of the most aspirational positions in the industry. That’s because pipeline welding is a mine field...

Mig Monkeys, Welding Robots And More
Sight. It’s an important part of welding. It’s so important, we’ve gone to great lengths to protect our eyes. Because sight helps us understand what we’re doing. It helps us comprehend our surround...

Is There Really A Welding “skills Gap”?
Look us in the eyes and give us your honest opinion: Do you think welding is a dying career? What’s weird is that no matter what you say, you’d be right (at least, in part). According to the Bureau...
Top Welding Career Paths
Over the years, we’ve featured a smorgasbord of different career paths a welder might choose. Some of these have been fairly normal, while others have been dangerous, surprising and down-right weir...

Becoming A Welding Artist
It’s a big fat can of worms stuffed inside a truck packed to the brim with cans of worms. We’re opening the Pandora’s Box of controversial welding subjects. You’re thinking, “What in the world are ...

Welding In The Food World
What’s the most nerve-racking project to work on? A bridge? A plane? A nuclear bomb? How about food grade piping? Sure it doesn’t seem too bad, but welding in the food industry actually requires ...

What Caused The Cast-iron Collapse?
We’re in the middle of the cast-iron renaissance. Seriously, this material was actually named as one of 2016’s “hot” items. A new wave of younger Americans are rediscovering the cast-iron ways, esp...

Ioc And The Indy 500
We were there, in the beginning. The automobile was first coming into public view, blanketed by a shroud of excitement and mystery. These metal marvels allowed us to exceed speeds we’d been limited...

What In The World Did We Do Before Welding?
Think about how often people take welding for granted. You and I see precision beads done by a highly skilled worker. They see a fence with some decorative bits. The cars we drive, the buildings we...

Welding At The Indy 500
The stress should be enough to give a silverback gorilla an aneurysm. You’ve got a $3,000,000 precision machine at the mercy of your torch. Every bead counts, every arc needs to be perfect. Engines...

2 Common Chrome-moly Myths
For hundreds of years we’ve been working with the same materials: Copper, bronze, iron. For the most part, we’ve got these metals figured out. Then suddenly some scientists come along and zap up so...

Winnie The Welder: Female Welders Of Wwii
We’ve all heard of Rosie the Riveter, but what about Winnie the Welder? In the 1940s, when the U.S. became involved in WWII after Pearl Harbor, thousands of able-bodied men left their welding jobs ...

The Mythbuster’s Favorite Welding Machines
After busting a few welding myths of our own, we’ve decided to look into 2 of the world’s most famous Myth Busters from the hit TV show MythBusters. Few fans of the show realize that both Adam Sava...

Testing 3 Of The Top Welding Myths
Throughout the years, we’ve heard a lot of questionable statements about welding. Some of these have been created by Hollywood’s depiction of welding, while others have been spread through the comm...

Should I Become A Freelance Welder?
Ah, imagine that: Being your own boss, working the hours you want to work and only taking the jobs you want to take. Freelance welding can be incredibly enticing. But before you give your foreman t...

What It’s Really Like To Weld On An Oil Rig
Nothing is normal about living on a man-made island of steel. It’s a world of its own. Everything and everyone you know is stacked on top of each other in the same 250 ft by 400 ft space. Like the ...

I Am The Father Of Art Welding
You’re interested in artistic welding. You feel passionate about creating with metal in one hand and torch in the other. Could you explain that sensation to someone if you tried? And yet, artistic ...

Welding In The Entertainment Industry
Close your eyes. When I say “Welding”, what’s conjured up into your brain. Maybe a construction site with sparks flying around or a couple steel plates being tack welded. How about Tom Hardy runnin...

Explosion Welding Is What?
You peer over the edge of a muddy trench as bullets whiz overhead. Blurry black shapes struggle towards you through the rain and slurry. A man behind you runs down the trench, screaming in a thrill...

Pro-tips For Tig Welding Aluminum
Until 1889, aluminum was one of the capstones of rare, expensive metals. A single ounce cost around $300 in today’s money. Now, it’s everywhere, from cars to streetlights to sliding doors. It has...

What Do You Want To Hear About?
Over the years, our experts here at IOC get a lot of questions. How does duty cycle really work? How do I keep burnback from ruining my workpiece? Can I weld in a swimming pool? Addressing these q...

2 Insane Welding Processes You’ve Never Heard Of
It’s hard to imagine a world where the tri-faced king of processes didn’t reign supreme. But beyond MIG, TIG and Stick lies a fascinating realm of barely-known welding processes. Here are 2 you’ve...

Welding’s Biggest Enemy
Welding machines are built tough. They’re tested against high temperatures and made to survive industrial environments. So what maniacal little critter brings these metal behemoths’ to their knees...

Artistic Welding And You
Often welding is split into 2 different categories of thought: structural welding and artistic welding. This differentiation has caused a lot of welders to assume some welding techniques can only ...

Will You Be Replaced By A Robot?
We’ve got manless drones soaring around and children scooting down the streets on electrical motorized machines. Half our cashiers are robots who always seem to suspect we’re trying to steal somet...

3 Of The World’s Biggest Welding Projects
1. The Emma Maersk Ship
Half a century ago, steel ships were built with rivets. Hot metal dowels were placed in the holes of two overlapping steel plates while the dowels were still malleable. The ...

Are Women Going To Save Welding?
It’s a ravine. A big fat, deep ravine and no one knows how big it truly is. That ravine is the shortage of welders America is facing. Some experts are stating that within the next couple of years,...

What's The Deal With Glassblowing?
Imagine if welding and ceramics both went to an unchaperoned Charlie Sheen party. Then they had a baby. That baby would be glassblowing: A little bit welding, a little ceramics, a little something...