Welding Supplies Blog

Could You Be A Military Welder?

Could You Be A Military Welder?

Strap on your boots and tight’en up your helmet, we’re taking a good, hard look at whether welding in the military is right for you and yours. It’s not as black and white of an answer as you’d exp...

What In The World Is A Certified Welding Engineer?

Certified Welding Engineers are vital to major welding projects. Their role is to plan and strategize how to get the job done. They develop welding procedures to minimize the amount of time and ma...

What’s Welding Certification All About?

You’re a self-taught welder. Or maybe someone showed you the ropes. Either way, your school was a workshop and your books were a spool gun and a grinder. Still you’ve always wondered, “What really...

Welders Who Won The War

While these posts are dedicated to helping you become a better welder, in honor of Veterans Day, we'd like to remember a very special breed of fighting man. See, we know the men who won World War...
The Welding Way Back Machine

The Welding Way Back Machine

In honor of October 21st, take a trip back with us to where welding all began and see how it's drastically change since then. We present to you, the History Of Welding in 1 Minute: Welding hasn't ...

Top 5 Biggest Welding/cutting Fails

Everyone’s bound to screw up sooner or later while Welding. Not everyone is willing to put it online. Here’s our top 5 favorite welding fails. I Can Weld It Myself! True bravery comes from drag rac...

Welding 220 Miles Above The Earth

Ever meet a welder who’s got to one-up everything? You say, “I’m into MIG welding.” They say, “Oh MIG welding’s nothing, I MIG weld underwater. Blind-folded. Naked.” No matter what you say, they’v...
Ac Vs. Dc

Ac Vs. Dc

DC or AC Stick Welding? It’s an ever-changing debate that’s evolved as welding itself has advanced. There’s a lot of once-good advice out there that’s become outdated as technology has improved fo...
Inverter Vs. Transformer Welders

Inverter Vs. Transformer Welders

It’s throw-down time. We’ve rented out the arena. The Rocky music is blaring. It’s time to see who’s king: Inverter Tech or Transformer Based welders. In the left corner, we’ve got the granddaddy. ...

What’s The Deal With Underwater Welding?

Imagine your welding gun hovering in front of you, slightly swaying from side to side. Everything seems to hang in space around you, like someone just turned off gravity. You look down, expecting...

The Top 2 Smartphone Apps Every Welder Needs

Finally, something smart to do with your Smartphone. Here’s some of our favorite welding apps to make your life a little easier. Miller Weld Settings Calculator In case you’ve lost your 200 page co...

What’s This All About?

Welders have always been a community. When someone says, “How’d you do that?” We don’t clamp our jaws shut and give ‘em the bird. We help each other out, we talk to one another. Every expert welder...