Over the years, our experts here at IOC get a lot of questions. How does duty cycle really work? How do I keep burnback from ruining my workpiece? Can I weld in a swimming pool? Addressing these questions has been a large focus of what we’ve posted here on our blog. Beyond that, we’ve also tried to really dig deep down into the interesting, new, or bizarre parts of welding you rarely hear about. What’s welding like underwater or even in space? How are welders directly responsible for winning World War II? Is it possible to weld without heat?
Now that we’ve got some good content under our belt, we’re wondering what you want to read about? Would you like us to cover more insane or inspiring welding events in history? Do you want to know if it’s possible to use a blowtorch and a dime to weld yourself off a desert island? What type of issues are you running into with welding thatyou want an answer to? Maybe you just want hundreds of photoshopped pictures of kittens welding? Hey, this is a judgement free zone.
We’ve got a team of experts who’ve dealt with every issue you can imagine (and a few you absolutely don’t want to). So let us know in the comment section below what you’d really like to hear more about.