Welding Supplies Blog
Multiprocess Or Dedicated Welding Machines
September 2021
Multiprocess machines have come a significant way, and a lot of the information comparing them against dedicated machines is often wrong or out of date. The truth is, both multiproce...
Making The Most Of Your Helmet & Lenses
A good helmet can make you a great welder and should last a long time (if you take care of it). But most welders don’t realize how to get the most out of their helmets and what options they have to...
Welding’s Most Bizarre And Creative Projects
We’re often blown away by the photos that we receive of welding projects you’re all working on: Classic car restorations, furniture, fire pits, vehicle modifications—all sorts of incredible pieces....
Should You Learn How To Cnc Plasma?
Look, there’s no point in beating around the bush: CNC (or any type of automated anything) tends to be pretty controversial. CNC supporters make it sound like a one-size-fits-all solution, while an...
2021 Ultimate Equipment Guide
With almost 200 articles, our blog is one of the most comprehensive welding resources on the internet. In this guide, we’ve put together a list of recent articles categorized by welding machines, c...
Summer Tips Every Welder Should Know (but Doesn’t)
After one of the most bizarre winters in recent US history, summer is finally here. And unfortunately, experts are predicting that it’s going to be quite hot. That means increased risk of heat stro...
Welding In The Void: Saturation Diving
Darkness. An engulfing, black void like you’ve never experienced before. Beyond your small headlight, the world is simply gone: No shapes, no faint colors, just emptiness. Everything feels so empty...
Going Rogue: In-depth Review of Esab Rogue Series
With increasing welding equipment costs, finding an affordable ESAB stick/TIG welder under $1,000 is a great value. The Rogue series machines offer versatility with their ability to operate in both...
How Will Metal 3d Printing Affect Welding?
It’s both magic and unsettling at the same time to watch a 3D printer at work. Its movements are cold, calculated and unnatural. Where a person would approach a project from multiple angles, the pr...