TIG Brush Ground Cable
Lead time: 4-5 Days

The TIG Brush ground cable has been redesigned to enable the user to replace the plug, cable, or handle as separate units. The cable size has been increased to 16mm in order to better deliver higher output. Offered in 10, 13, or 20 foot lengths.
Suitable Systems
10 ft - TBE-160 | TBE-250
13 ft - TBE-440 | TBE-550
20 ft - TBE-700
The TIG Brush Stainless Steel Weld Cleaning System utilizes a unique combination of electricity, heat and chemistry to deliver superior results in weld cleaning and metal surface finishing. The proprietary, conductive brush invented by Ensitech in 2004 and brought to market in 2008, applies a cleaning fluid to the work surface, producing an electro-chemical cleaning action with astoundingly fast and effective results.
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