Revco Black Stallion BSX 9oz Royal Blue FR Cotton Welding Jacket (BXRB9C)
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The Black Stallion royal blue jacket utilizes a modern design to create a better fitting, better looking, and more comfortable protective garment. The jacket features 6 convenient snap buttons including an adjustable collar button for enhanced neck protection. The B9C jacket features an extended length front and adjustable waist straps for a more form-fitting jacket. These jackets also come with a zippered inside pocket to help keep small items secure. This jacket comes with an extended length and is available in sizes small through 5XL.
Features and Benefits
• 9oz Flame-Resistant Treated Cotton
• Welder's Collar for Enhanced Protection
• 6 Convenient Snap Buttons Including Collar Button
• Extended Length Front
• Adjustable Waist Straps
• Zippered Inside Pocket
• Wrist Snaps
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