Miller RFCS-14 HD Foot Amp and Contactor Control (301589)
The Miller 20-foot HD Foot control comes with a 14-pin connection found on most Miller solid-state power sources made after serial number JK674521.
This foot control provides increased stability and durability from larger base and heavier cord. Maximum flexibility is accomplished with a reconfigurable cord that can exit the front, brack or either side of the pedal.
Compatible with:
Syncrowave 350LX – Serial Number KJ239317 and after
Syncrowave 250DX – Serial Number LA349426 and after
Aerowave – Serial Number LG000001 and after
Previous Generation Dynasty 300 – Serial Number LH260001 and after
Not compatible with:
Syncrowave 351
Syncrowave 250
Syncrowave 350
Syncrowave 500
MPN: | MIL301589 |
UPC: | 715959702140 |
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