ESAB Renegade VOLT ES 200i Cordless Battery Powered Stick/TIG Welder (0447800880)
The ESAB Renegade Volt is a portable, battery powered stick and tig welder designed for mobile welders operating in remote locations without access to a power supply. The Volt runs on 6, 9, or 12 Ah Dewalt Flexvolt batteries, and will burn up to (22) 3/32 6013 electrodes on a full battery charge. In AMP+ Hybrid Mode, Renegade Volt supplements AC power with battery power to prevent nuisance trips on smaller breaker sizes or to provide more output when welding on 120V input.
Hot Start
Arc Force
Memory Storage
6010 Cellulosic Mode
Intuitive Color Screen
Battery Status Display
Remaining Arc Time Calculator
Quick Specs
Input Voltage: 115V/230V | Battery Power | AMP + Hybrid Mode
Weight: 54 lbs with Batteries Installed
Dimensions: 19 x 9 x 19 with Battery Box
Duty Cycle (Stick): 25% at 200A (230V) | 18% at 140A (Battery Mode) | 25% at 200A (230V Hybrid Mode)
Renegade VOLT Power Source
(4) Dewalt Flexvolt 20V/60V 12Ah Batteries
Dewalt Flexvolt Four Port Fast Charger
10 Ft Electrode Holder w/50mm Connector
10 Ft Work Clamp w/50mm Connector
Shoulder Strap
Detachable Battery Box
115V/230V Power Adapter
This welder is DC only and can NOT TIG weld aluminum.
MPN: | ESB0447800880 |
MPN: ESB0447800880
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