Crown Alloy 3/32 x 36" HW-10 BR.PKG. Hot Work (H-10 to H-16) Tool Steel TIG 1 lb TUBE (TTHW/TN-BP)
For use on hot working tool steels H-10 through H-12 and H-14 through H16. The Crown HW-10 is often used to weld on SAE 52100 steel. It works very well on hot or cold work trimmers, shears, blanking, and forming dies when spalling, cracking and chipping are a problem.
Please Note: Welding fumes and gases can be hazardous to your health. Click here for the manufacturers MSDS information. Both the manufacturer and Welding Supplies from IOC recommends that you read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheets and product warning statements prior to using this product.
Please Note: Welding fumes and gases can be hazardous to your health. Click here for the manufacturers MSDS information. Both the manufacturer and Welding Supplies from IOC recommends that you read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheets and product warning statements prior to using this product.
UPC: | 412300851414 |
UPC: 412300851414
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