Lincoln Viking 3350 Series Black Auto Darkening Welding Helmet (K3034-4)
The Lincoln Viking 3350 Series Black Auto Darkening Welding Helmet now includes redesigned headgear, an external grind button, and a matte black shell. This lightweight (20 oz.) hood has grind mode, shade 5-13 continuously variable control, internal sensitivity, and delay controls. These helmets are capable of magnifying “cheater” lenses and hard hat adapters. Additionally, various accessories, such as protective cover lenses and headgear, are available for the Lincoln Viking 3350 Series.
Better Clarity, Real Color View
• Now you can make a good view even better. Upgrading with 4C technology preserves the existing 1-1-1-1 optical clarity rating but improves visibility by reducing the lime green tint, ensuring consistency at any angle.
Easy On The Eyes
• Improved visibility and less eye strain mean greater comfort for the welder. This, combined with an improved view of the weld puddle, leads to better welds.
The Lincoln Viking 3350 Series is one of the most comfortable and functional auto-darkening welding helmets available.
Wide-Screen View
• 4C technology enables you to not only see better, but also see more. The large viewing area gives you a full range of vision in relation to the welding area, which enhances operator control.
Increased Battery Life
The longer you can see clearly, the more you can weld. And more welds mean higher productivity. Improvements to the ADF's circuitry enable more performance from the battery. Now, you can keep welding, increase your productivity, and get more from your helmet lens.
X6 Headgear Features
• 6 Contact Points
• Adjustable Resting Position
• Forward and Backward Adjustments
• Unique Flexible Cushioned Neckpad
• Innovative Form Fit
• 4C Lens Technology improves visibility and reduces eye strain
• 1/1/1/1 Improved Optical Clarity & Enhanced Color Recognition
• 3 Year Warranty
• X6 Headgear
• Large U.S. 5.25" X 4.5" Cartridge Size
• Continuously Variable 5-13 Shade with Internal Control
• Continuously Variable Sensitivity & Delay
• External Grind Mode Button
• Magnifying Cheater Lens Capable
• 4 Arc Sensors
• Solar Cells with a replaceable Lithium Battery
• 3.74" X 3.34" (12.50 sq inches) View Size
• Hard Hat Adapter Capable
• Extra Cover Lenses Enclosed - (2) inside and (5) outside.
• Sport-Pak helmet bag includes a Foose bandana
MPN: | LINK3034-4 |
Warranty | 5 year lens warranty |
Arc Sensors | 4 |
Digital | Yes |
Grind Mode | Yes |
Low Amp TIG Rated | Yes |
Reaction Time | 1/25,000 s |
Sensitivity Control | Yes |
Viewing Field | 3.74 x 3.34 in (95 x 85 mm) |
MPN: LINK3034-4
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