
Everything You Need, Nothing You Won’t


We all spend about 92 days of our lives sitting on the toilet. That’s just one way we wasted time, but at least we have to do it. Wading through product page after product page to find the perfect welding gear is a waste of time we shouldn’t have to do.

That’s exactly what inspired us to build the Gear Finder tool on our Welding Supplies from IOC website. With a couple questions, we’ll show you everything you need in seconds.

Gear Finder Bar

It’s so easy, it could give Bob Marley a lesson in chill’en out.

First, choose if you’re welding or cutting.


Second, choose whether you’re a beginner, weekend warrior or a career welder.


Third, choose the process you’re using.


Finally, if you’re welding, just choose your power capabilities.


Voila, the perfect list of everything you need and nothing you won’t.


Try it for yourself here. Just click the large, green “Gear Finder” and you’re on your way.